Project Title: Monitoring and Developing ASEAN Basic Education: Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) Programme

Budget: Southeast Asia Ministers of Education Organisation (SEAMEO) Secretariat

Period: 2021-2024

Project Description

The Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) is a regional learning assessment programme designed to monitor students’ learning outcomes, contributing to equitable and quality education for all.  The programme was initiated in 2012 by the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) and the UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO).  Recognising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4 to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education, the SEA-PLM programme outcomes increase ASEAN performance in global SDGs reporting and achievement. 

The inclusion of SEA-PLM Programme in the ASEAN Education Work Plan 2021-2025 further signifies the role of SEA-PLM as a key mechanism to help achieve the regional goal of enhancing equitable opportunities for quality education and learning outcomes.

The new multi-year strategic plan (2021-2025) and pillars were recently endorsed by the 11 Southeast Asian countries and their partners to track policy changes and new interests

  • Generate comparative data, indicators, and analysis on learning outcomes and context in basic education through SEA-PLM surveys and other studies
  • Strengthen collaboration and exchange to improve the system and school-level policy and practice in basic education through SEA-PLM surveys and other studies
  • Promote and improve the technical capacity and the use of evidence from SEA-PLM surveys and other studies on learning outcomes and context in basic education

 The ASEAN-AKCF project supports this new plan through a 3 years project period (2022-2024) in the following 3 main outputs, including the 2nd round of SEA-PLM survey, SEA-PLM 2024:

    • Output 1 - SEA-PLM 2024 survey development and implementation
    • Output 2 - Policy dialogue and exchange around learning and assessment
    • Output 3 - Capacity building and mentoring to use data and transform learning

Project activities support SEAMEO and governance bodies to manage the SEA-PLM in a sustainable way and countries to participate in the second round of its flagship comparative study, SEA-PLM 2024.  In the current COVID-19 context, the SEA-PLM offers a platform to improve learning recovery strategies and a baseline to track learning losses and growths over time and across all generations of learners and schools.

Introduction of Proponents/Implementing Agencies

The programme is led by the SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat hosted in SEAMEO Secretariat in Bangkok and co-chaired by SEAMEO Secretariat (SEAMES) and UNICEF East Asia Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO).  In addition to consolidating the existing regional programme structure and regular programme pillars and activities, this project will involve regional and international experts as well as internationally recognised institutions from the Republic of Korea (ROK) as key implementing agencies, specifically the Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI) and the Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE) to further support countries to develop and implement project` activities. 

For this project, SEAMEO Secretariat is the proponent and main implementing agency.  It will manage the project in coordination with UNICEF EAPRO and countries to support the new multi-annual (2021-2025) SEA-PLM programme strategy as endorsed by the Southeast Asian Ministries of Education through SEAMEO governance bodies. 

SEA-PLM programme website


Information on the programme/project management teams

The SEA-PLM programme, as the main implementer, will implement and manage all activities under Outputs 1 and 2 through the SEA-PLM Secretariat, while KEDI and KICE are invited to implement and manage all activities under Output 3. 

The day-to-day technical and operational activities will be managed by SEA-PLM Secretariat as approved and validated by the Regional Steering Committee.  The SEA-PLM Secretariat will be composed of individuals, technical experts, and representatives from the implementers to lead and manage the regular and routine tasks within the project implementation.  Below is a matrix of positions with corresponding relevant positions to ensure success and efficiency in the implementation of the programme