Myanmar Institute for Strategic and International Studies (MISIS)

MISIS was established in 1991 by the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) of Myanmar with the Minister for Foreign Affairs as its Chairman. It is a research and policy analysis institute working on international relations and foreign policy. MISIS is the Myanmar chapter of the ASEAN Institute for Strategic and International Studies (ASEAN-ISIS), an entity associated with ASEAN under the category of Think Tanks/Academic Institutions (similar to the ASEAN-IPR).

MISIS’ current structure has 15 members, including a Chairman, and two Joint-Secretaries (Joint Secretary 1 & Joint Secretary 2).

MISIS’ work/priorities include: (i) carrying out quality research on international issues relevant for Myanmar; (ii) communicate policy-relevant content to decision-makers; (iii) raising awareness of MISIS’ activities in Myanmar and abroad; (iv) cultivate a new generation of international affairs experts in Myanmar; and, (v) actively maintain contact with other Myanmar governmental institutions, and inform their policies.